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Work and Travel USA

The Work and Travel USA is a popular, government-designated J-1 Visa cultural exchange program that helps students from over 70 countries come to the US during their school holidays to fill short term, seasonal positions with US employers. Participants live and work in the US for up to 4 months.  Upon completion of their work commitment, they can discover more of the US by travelling for up to one additional month.

The Work and Travel Program is a one of the J-1 Cultural Exchange Visitor Programs and brings international university students to the United States during their summer break for short term employment.

The Work Travel Program provides host companies with pre-screened, highly qualified university students from around the world for seasonal employment. Positions include hotel staff, housekeepers, restaurant staff, servers, store staff, cashiers.

International university students will spend their summer break working for your businesses. The program arrival times during summer season for European students.

The program helps you a unique way to meet your summer staffing. Exchange International Work & Travel Program helps businesses fulfill its seasonal shortfall with qualified individuals from all over the world on the J-1 summer Work & Travel visa.

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Program Overview&Benefits

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