Art Director in California
Wage: Unpaid.
Qualifications: Interns must be current university students or recent graduates with substandial experience in Art Design, Book or Work Portfolio in digital format. Familiarity with Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator is mandatory.
Duties: The intern will be responsible for designing art and graphic componentsfor various advertising amd marketing campaigns. This may include working with a design or working directly with the client.
Housing: Housing is acquired indepently, however assistance will be avaliable.
Wikreate is a new model of a 360 advertising and communications agency structured as a social network of skilled professionals and partner agencies. Their synergetic, open platform model appeals to brands, agencies, independent professionals, and agents in the communications arena.
The city of San Francisco radiates a unique beauty with its historic sights and modern architecture, vast ocean views, the spectacular Golden Gate Bridge and a cosmopolitan populace.
Dates & Duration Options: ASAP for 12 months.
Location: Wikreate is located in San Francisco, California.